McLean Veterinary Sports Medicine
Havertown, PA and Surrounding Areas
McLean Veterinary Sports Medicine adapts and expounds on the proven fundamentals of Sports Medicine to effectively diagnose illness, restore mobility, reduce pain and accelerate recovery.
McLean Veterinary Sports Medicine passionately believes in the value of rehabilitation following surgery, illness, and disease. We are eager to refer you to area rehabilitation practices for the following services:
Laser Therapy – Class IV Lasers are used to treat chronic conditions and acute and post-operative pain. Laser therapy is an FDA-Approved modality (method) that reduces inflammation. The treatment is safe, painless, and fast. Laser therapy activates the body’s own healing capabilities by stimulating cellular activity. This therapy is commonly used in wound healing and pain management.
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy – Shockwave therapy is a high-energy focused sound wave technology that offers a non-invasive treatment option for controlling pain and restoring motion. The high-energy sound waves travel through soft tissue at specified depths, reaching specific treatment areas. These waves stimulate the body’s regeneration process.
Hydrotherapy/Underwater Treadmill – The underwater treadmill is a low-risk modality that improves range of motion, strengthens muscles, and boosts endurance. The buoyancy of water minimizes impact on joints while increasing resistance on muscles. Water temperature is kept between 92–95 degrees Fahrenheit, which helps to lessen pain and increase flexibility. This allows for wider range of motion and deeper stretching. The water level and treadmill speed is customized for each individual patient, and is adjusted as they progress through their sessions.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) – PEMF is used to accelerate healing while lowering pain, inflammation and swelling. It is a non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical and safe therapy used to stimulate cellular repair by upregulating the body’s production of nitric oxide.
Massage and Myofascial Therapies – Massage therapy is the application of specific hand movements on a patient to improve muscle and joint function by relieving tension, spasm, or other restrictions to proper motion. It may be used for warm-up purposes, for relaxing or stimulating muscles to prevent injury, or for rehabilitation of a patient after an injury has occurred.
We are committed to providing the highest quality of care to ensure your pet’s health and happiness.
Let us know if you have any questions or need assistance. We’d be happy to help.
If you have questions about our services or would like to contact a member of our staff, please connect with us.
McLean Veterinary Sports Medicine
Havertown, PA and Surrounding Areas.
Easily request an appointment through our Pet Parent App or through our online scheduling service!